MassHire Job Fair Is This Week
If you're searching for a job or thinking of changing careers, you never know when the next opportunity will come along. You need to be ready for whenever it arises. So I hope you're ready because a great opportunity is mere hours away.
MassHire (formerly known as BerkshireWorks) is holding its annual Job Fair this Tuesday and Wednesday at Berkshire Hills Country Club on Benedict Rd. in Pittsfield. Tuesday's session will run from 3 to 6 P.M. For Wednesday's Job Fair, veterans will be admitted from 10 to 10:30 AM, & it will open to the general public at 10:30. The Job Fair will end at 1:00.
Many of the Berkshires' best businesses and agencies will have representatives there to answer your questions. You might even wind up joining our team, as Townsquare Media will be one of the dozens of employers on hand to talk with you. All employment opportunities have been posted to MassHireBerkshireCC.com.
I'm keeping this short because you have to stop reading and get ready! If you have any questions MassHire's number is 413-499-2220.
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