Massachusetts wants to know “How has Covid-19 Impacted You?” (Survey)
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has released a survey asking Mass residents “How Has Covid-19 Impacted You?” The survey is open to all residents currently living in Massachusetts that are over the age of 14.
The survey is anonymous and covers questions from your age, gender and race to more probing questions such as your physical health and mental wellbeing. The total survey time is expected to take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Unlike the 2020 Census, this survey is strictly voluntary.
Below is the official information from the Mass Department of Public Health.
COVID-19 Community Impact Survey
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MA-DPH) is trying to better help people through the COVID-19 crisis by hearing about their experiences and challenges right now. By taking this survey, you can help find new solutions to community problems, and give MA-DPH the information they need to take action and support the communities who need it most.
Who can take this survey? You can take this survey if you are 14 years of age or older AND you currently live in Massachusetts. Even if you did not have COVID-19, you can take this survey.
About the survey: Your answers are anonymous. This survey will ask questions about the following:
- Your experience protecting yourself from COVID-19
- If you had COVID-19, what your experience was like with symptoms and testing
- Your ability to access basic needs like medical care and essential supplies
- Your physical health and mental wellbeing
- How the COVID-19 crisis has impacted your housing, education, employment and income
- Basic questions about you, like your age, gender, race, and where you live (but we do not ask about sensitive information that can be used to identify you)
At the end of the survey, you will find a list of resources that help connect you with things like food and economic assistance, mental health and substance use services, and parenting resources.
Your participation: Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. You may stop this survey at any time and for any reason. You may skip any questions you do not want to answer. This survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.
Risks and benefits: There are minimal risks to participation in this survey. Some questions may ask about sensitive topics that could cause some anxiety or stress. You may pause or stop taking the survey if you feel any discomfort. There are no direct benefits to you by taking part in the survey, but the information you share will help MA-DPH understand the greatest needs of Massachusetts residents so it can make plans to provide support where it is needed most.
Have questions? If you have any questions about this survey, you may contact: covid19survey@mass.gov.
This research has been reviewed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Institutional Review Board (MA-DPH IRB). If you wish to speak with someone from the MA-DPH IRB, you may contact them at DPH.IRB@mass.gov or by phone (617) 624-5647.
Click here to take the survey.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

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