Marijuana Greenhouse Proposed in Clarksburg
Clarksburg Town officials are hoping to see some green come rolling into town — marijuana green.
iBerkshire.com reports Chad Cellana and Trenten Lynch of New England Regional Dispensaries (NERD) are proposing to build a pot production greenhouse and retail outlet at 28 Cross Road, within the marijuana overlay district approved at town meeting two years ago.
Cellana and Lynch told the board and a number of residents attending the meeting that the potential revenue could be significant, forecasting gross sales in the $12 million to $14 million a year range.
"That adds up to roughly an extra $400,000 for the town to use."
Beyond that, NERD will also have to come to a community host agreement with the town that would supply more revenue or other benefits such as employment guarantees as well as pay regular taxes.
The proposed facility would be a completely enclosed hydroponic greenhouse with an affiliated retail operation. Their plans are to install odor and air filtration units inside so the facility isn't noisy or odiferous. Security and construction are largely dictated by state mandates and someone would be on guard 24 hours a day.
The greenhouse would be located on property owned by John Cellana and Erin Scott and set back behind his business, A1 Septic.
They estimated up to 20 employees with the potential of adding a second greenhouse and doubling the work force.
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