Many People Buy Themselves Presents When They’re Christmas Shopping
It appears that many people buy themselves presents when they're out Christmas shopping, according to a new survey. It also found that half of men wait until the last minute to buy gifts . . . and 53% of people agonize over what to buy.
When you're doing your Christmas shopping, are you only looking for great stuff to buy for other people . . . or are you also grabbing some presents for YOURSELF? It's okay if you're doing the selfish thing . . . you're definitely not alone.
Fact is about 71% of you will buy presents for yourself while you're out Christmas shopping for others.
Here are a few more results from the same survey . . .
1. Half of men leave their Christmas shopping until the last minute, versus about one-third of women.
2. People spend the most on presents for their significant other during their first two years together . . . and the least when they've been together seven years.
3. 53% of people agonize over what to buy for gifts. And men struggle more than women.
4. Only 6% of people say that the most important thing about a present is how much the person spent. 50% say it's the thought that counts.
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