MA Residents: The 1st Am. Idol Winner Has A Weird Daily Routine!
Massachusetts residents: Now this is something that Johnny Carson would NEVER discuss on camera during his hey day, but in my opinion, talk shows on TV have hit an all-time LOW and the subject at hand concerns Kelly Carlson (if you ask me, she should stick to singing). Regarding this matter, she would've lost me as a viewer, even though I don't tune in anyway. Afterwards, you might in agreement with me upon reading this stomach-turning article!
Kelly Clarkson is giving the people what they want as she asks questions that attract attention, but the way she went about this was simply an attempt to score more ratings for her syndicated affiliates who carry this poor excuse of a program. So what am I talking about that has me peeved?
First of all, don't base a show on your bathroom habits as that was the topic of discussion with comedian Kenan Thompson as the duo focused on personal hygiene, but in a risque sort of way. Here are the "embarrassing" details in her words that surprised even loyal viewers that tuned in as this should remain personal and not for public consumption:
"I relieve myself almost every time in the shower! You can't help it. It goes back to that childhood sleepover. You know, they put your hand in the hot water. Sometimes, you just need to take care of this immediately. The hot water hits your body and — not every time, but, like, if I’ve gotta go... yeah."
The question remains: What prompted this conversation? Let's face it: Everyone has a busy schedule, but Clarkson took it upon herself to share some tips for saving time in the shower, which included relieving herself. This inane conversation came up as Thompson was promoting his new book, "When I Was Your Age", as he goes in depth in discussing his shower habits and the controversy surrounding them. See for yourself; Here is the video clip in it's entirety.
(Video clip courtesy of www.youtube.com)
Thompson and some of her many faithful viewers found Clarkson’s time-saving habits very disturbing (present company included) He summed it up without getting into further details, in a dignified way: "short and sweet":
"I'm on the whole other side where I find it to be gross, and I don't do it,"
Clarkson also shared another anecdote and that also is considered gross. Again, I'll let her give you the gory details:
"Here's the thing, I don't regularly brush my teeth in the shower, I just do if I'm in a hurry,” she clarified before adding, “Now, I do happen to be in a hurry often.”
The solution to this problem: Get up a little earlier or take your shower the night before to save some time. Bathroom etiquette is absent in more ways than one!
BOTTOM LINE: Everything you always wanted to know about your first winner of "American Idol" but were afraid to ask!
(Some information obtained in this article courtesy of WCBS-FM's web site)
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