Letter: Bicyclists Must Follow Rules of The Road
Being a bicyclist who rides at least 15 miles most everyday, I plead guilty to every infraction and vow to do better. This article by Barbara Seddon needed to be shared. Thanks Barbra for reminding all of us of the rules of the road.
Dave Fierro
To the Berkshire Eagle editor:
There was an excellent letter on July 6 on bicycle safety from Andrew Gold of Stockbridge but it needs to go a bit further.
I was driving back from Egremont the other night on a back road. Coming toward me on my left was a car and on the right was a bicyclist. It was a narrow road and the situation was tenuous to say the least.
I see bicyclists on the wrong side of the road, bicyclists going through red lights because I guess they don't apply, bicyclists cutting diagonally across streets! Bicyclists need to follow the rules of the road as for any vehicle, and I'd love to see them warned or ticketed by the police so they get the message.
Most bicyclists are great; those that don't follow the rules of the road are downright dangerous.
Barbara Seddon,
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