The Stupid Key Kiosk Thing At This Massachusetts Home Depot Made My Weekend
Getting a key made back in the day would prompt a trip to your local locksmith or a mom and pop hardware store, not anymore. I'm certainly not condoning big box stores over small businesses, but you get my drift.
A key making kiosk? Yes.
I've needed to make some duplicate keys lately, Home Depot was in my travels so, I popped in expecting to try and flag someone down to run the key machine for me.
After finding someone in an orange apron, he directed me toward this key kiosk called "Minute Key". Why am I always late to the party with these things? Have you heard of this?
You literally stick your key in the slot, the machine scans it and cuts another one for you in like 5 seconds. You can even pick like a Red Sox key or some other design. They are super durable, to boot.
These self service key kiosks are good for home keys, padlocks, and most other home locks. They cannot do key fobs, however.
An automatic key copying machine works by laser-scanning your key to determine the type of key being used and its bitting. It then grinds out a very accurate copy that is guaranteed to work or your money back. -artoflockpicking.com
It's not super expensive either, they offer different levels of keys depending on what you want. Just scan the barcode of the back of the sticker on the new key when you check out and you're all set!
This made my weekend. It's the little things.
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