It’s “Summer of The Shovel” With Adams Construction Projects
Here's a look at the myriad construction projects that are underway in Adams:
Project: Town Common renovation.
Project: Russell Field improvements, off Harmony Street near the rail trail
Features: The field house is about the only feature to remain. Regrading of softball field, with new backstop; drainage work to stop water flow off a nearby hill; two new tennis courts (with lines for pickleball play as well); adult fitness stations; new swingsets; fully accessible bleachers; electrical conduits for later work to upgrade light poles.
Project: Memorial School renovation and reuse, 30 Columbia St.
Features: Continued work to prepare the former middle school for possible use as housing and community activities. New mechanical system; upgrades to electrical and plumbing systems; improvements to restrooms; new doors; "envelope upgrades" to address building code shortcomings.
Project: Crotteau Street improvements
Features: A full reconstruction of 1,300 feet of road; new sidewalks from Murray to Sparrow streets; new granite curbing; new wheelchair ramps; drainage improvements
Cost: $445,063, paid for through a state Department of Transportation "complete streets" grant of $290,281 and a $154,782 share of the town's Chapter 90 state aid.
Project: Grant Street drainage improvements, includes Valley, Lincoln and Cross streets
Features: Putting in 2,000 feet of concrete drainpipes to replace failing system, with new catch basins and manholes. The project was spurred, in part, by heavy local flooding seen during a September 2018 microburst.
Get all the details and price tags for these projects from The Berkshire Eagle.Com
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