Is There a Safe Way to Drive Over Pot Holes in Berkshire County?
A pot hole ate my car. I was driving into work on Curran Highway, like I do each morning. It’s dark out when I have to arrive, and for some reason I was driving in the right-hand lane. I should’ve known better than to do that on the Adams side of Curran Highway. Suddenly, my car dips and I hear a BAM! You know the sound…metal hitting pavement, your teeth grinding together. I immediately apologized to my car and moved into the left-hand lane. I was glad to find everything still in one piece when I arrived at work.
I’ve seen crews out in both Pittsfield and Adams filling pot holes (and a huge thank you to the workers that do it). But, let’s face it: pot holes are a never-ending battle in Berkshire County and Massachusetts. It’s inevitable that you’ll hit one. You’ll then probably do like I did. Swear, curse the city or town you’re driving in, decided to move somewhere else…and then repeat the process all over again.

This got me thinking…if pot holes are going to battle us, is there a way we can battle back? Is there a “good” way to drive over pot holes? My dad said to wait for the car in front of you to fall in one, then drive over their roof.
That scenario notwithstanding, there are some tips for driving over pot holes, and minimizing the risk of damage to your vehicle.
- DON’T drive faster over pot holes. If anyone ever told you to drive faster over pot holes, don’t listen to them. And maybe question other advice you’ve received also. Driving faster over pot holes only puts you, your car, and other drivers at greater risk.
- DO coast through a pot hole. If possible, it’s best to coast over a pot hole. If you brake hard on a pot hole, it increases the chance of damage to your vehicle.
- DO go straight over pot holes. When hitting a pot hole is inevitable, it’s best to embrace the pain and hit it straight on. If your vehicle hits a pot hole at an angle, this also increases the possibility of damage to your vehicle.
Look, we’re going to hit pot holes all the time in Berkshire County. But, if you and I have to deal with them, we may as well try to minimize the damage. There’s never any guarantee, but these tips may help. Safe driving!
LOOK: See how much gasoline cost the year you started driving
Gallery Credit: Sophia Crisafulli
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