In Massachusetts, It’s Illegal to Do This While Signing the National Anthem
If you're living in the great state of Massachusetts, and you're feeling patriotic, you might want to read this, before you bust out your rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner.
We have tons of crazy laws here in the Commonwealth, but the regulations surrounding how you can or cannot sing the national anthem has got to top the list. The song, written by Francis Scott Key on September 14, 1814 is one of the most recognizable songs in the world, but apparently it has quite the list of rules that come along with it.
In Massachusetts, it is illegal to sing the Star-Spangled Banner in any other way, except in its entirety, the way it was originally intended to be played. Meaning you can't shorten, modify, or only sing part of the national anthem.
According to Massachusetts State Law, anyone who plays sings or renders the "Star-Spangled Banner other than as a whole and separate composition or number, without embellishment or addition in the way of national or other melodies" is subjected to a fine of "not more than one hundred dollars." The law also forbids the use of the song as dance music, an exit march, or a medley.
So, before you try to remix the Star Spangled Banner for your latest TikTok video you might want to think twice.
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