Imagineers Welcome at Brayton Summer Science Camp
iBerkshires.com reports the Summer Science Camp at Brayton Elementary School is in full swing with the theme "Imagineering."
Just because school is out doesn't mean learning has to stop so 150 city pupils spent the month of July strengthening their science muscles.
The goal of this year's camp, which is run through the 21st Century After-School Program, is to inspire campers to discover the art of "Imagineering" as a prerequisite to inventing.
The program is run through the month of July, Monday through Friday, and each day students take on a new project.
A huge part of all of the projects is the design and the children identify a problem, brainstorm, design, redesign, test and evaluate and finally share their solutions.
Different projects are for different age groups and older students in the fifth and sixth grades visited local businesses.
Summer Science Camp is not only a great opportunity for elementary school pupils to learn but also for high school students. This year, Drury High School sent the camp four rising seniors to intern through the career center.
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