How Much Would You Have to Be Paid to Do These Five Crazy Things?
A new online poll listed a bunch of awful things you'd never want to do, and asked how much you'd have to be paid to go through with them.
The choices ranged from $100 all the way up to $1 million. Or you could say you'd never do them for any amount of money. Here are the five best questions . . .
How much would it take to never own a pet for the rest of your life? Meaning you'd also have to give up your current pets. The top answer was never at 51%. $1 million was next at 28%. 4% were animal haters who'd do it for $100.
How much would it take to cut off all communication with your best friend forever, and not be allowed to tell them why? 63% said they'd never do it. 24% would do it for $1 million. 6% would do it for $100,000.
How much to eat a stranger's toenail clippings? 44% said they'd never do it, which seems high. 18% said $1 million. 13% said $5,000. And 2% said a hundred bucks.
How much to let your parents see your entire browser history? 44% said they'd never do it. 29% said $1 million. A very brave and broke 7% would do it for $100.
How much to give up texting for the rest of your life, and only be able to call people? 46% said $1 million. 33% said no amount of money would be worth it. 11% said 100 grand would be enough.
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