Hoosac Valley Considering Phased-In, Hybrid Model for Schools
The Hoosac Valley Regional School District is expected to eliminate the full in-person education model from its plans for reopening.
Superintendent Aaron Dean said on Tuesday morning that the School Committee next week will decide what school will look like in the fall and that it is leaning toward a hybrid model.
School districts throughout the commonwealth have been asked to design three education models in preparation for the next school year. Plans have included a fully remote plan, a hybrid plan, and the state preferred full in-person model that requires students to be spaced out.
The Pittsfield Public Schools last week determined that reopening the schools as normal was not optimal.
Dean said the two district schools — the middle and high school and the elementary school — cannot accommodate 6 feet of social distancing so this option is off the table.
Instead, a hybrid model of some kind is being considered. Currently, the plan to start fully remote and transition into a partially remote and partially in class format.
This story and many more are available on iBerkshires.Com.now.