Hard Feelings Over School Closing May Spell Difficulty For Adams-Cheshire
The Berkshire Eagle reports Cheshire Select Board Member Robert Ciskowski is doubtful that voters in town will back a proposal for a new elementary school, or a plan to repair the existing Hoosac Valley Elementary School any time in the near future.
They're still frustrated that they had to close Cheshire Elementary School in June 2017, he said. So it's still hard for them to consider investing in another school in another town.
The Adams-Cheshire Regional School District School Committee applied to the Massachusetts School Building Authority in April to be admitted to the pipeline of new school plans, which will be partially funded by the state.
As part of the initial process, building authority representatives toured Hoosac Valley Elementary School last week to view the issues there that would justify a new school.
According to Christine Hoyt, member of the Adams Select Board who also attended the school tour, the Adams Select Board is also reluctant to support an application for a new school building at this time.
Hoyt noted that Select Board members would rather see the elementary school remain in the downtown area.
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