Guess What MA Residents? Prices At the Pump Have Gone UP Again!
The question is: "How long will it last". Only the "greedy" oil companies know the answer to this problematic momentum as they pretty much have us in their grips. They know drivers need to get from Point A to Point B, but do they really care how much we shell out? The answer obviously is NO!
The end result: Gas prices have once again gone UP! Recently, I've seen some optimism as prices have recently dropped considerably in Lenox and in Pittsfield, but that was short-lived as you can fill up in these vicinities at a little over $3.19 a gallon (after all, every penny in your pocket results in more money in your wallet). I also get 5 cents cash back as my gas card delivers that perk instantaneously. Locally, here in Great Barrington, the price has risen to $3.35 a gallon, a 16 cent increase.
With spring in our midst, oil companies say gas prices will see a spike due to a change over to their traditional "summer blend" of fuel as claims remain rampant the price will drop once the transition takes place (we shall see! Hopefully this should be the case).
Personally, I am very stingy when it comes to keeping my tank full. I cringe every time a bar disappears from the dashboard from my car, knowing it won't be long before repeating the task at hand. These increases are taking away much needed money that is budgeted for other expenses and I'm sure you are on the same page with me on this subject at hand.
BOTTOM LINE: Enough Is Enough! We truly NEED a break to spend money in other aspects of our lives. One word to these greedy oil companies who are profiting from our pockets: STOP!!!
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Gallery Credit: Hannah Lang
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