Greylock Works Owners Propose 51 New Apartments In Mill
The Berkshire Eagle reports the owners of the Greylock Mill have submitted a proposal for the construction of 51 new apartments inside the sprawling, 19th-century industrial complex on State Road.
The units will be built into the complex's four-story north mill and four-story main mill, with the first phase of work beginning in the main mill in 2019 and 2020.
The three-phase project has a timeline that runs through 2024. The plan will be heard by the city Planning Board at its meeting on Monday.
The housing plans are the next major phase in what is expected to be many years of renovation of the aging, 240,000-square-foot industrial facility into a multi-use property with local food production, an event space, apartments, and a hotel.
Partners Salvatore Perry and Karla Rothstein bought the property in 2015 as Greylock Works and began the enormous renovation with the complex's eastern-most portion, known as the weave shed, which currently hosts events and, the owners hope it will soon have several business tenants.
The apartment project does not account for the ground floor of the main mill and one-story south wing, both of which are to remain vacant until the mill owner determines their best use, according to the application.
Mayor Thomas Bernard called the proposal for new apartments "a sign of progress on that side of the building."
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