Finally, A Machine That Folds Your Laundry
No more wishing your laundry would fold itself -- because now it can...with a little robotic help.
Premiering this week at the Consumer Electronics Show 2019 in Las Vegas, FoldiMate is a laundry-folding machine that's become something of a robotic rock star, even amid all the other high-tech gadgets at the expo.
The time-saving device -- which looks a little like a computer printer, but stands taller than your standard washer/dryer -- will fold all of your clothing in less than 5 minutes.
Here's how it works: just feed your garments into the machine continuously, and it'll simultaneously fold everything neatly in seconds.
The Israel-based company that shares the machine's name says the robot "will fold most types of shirts, blouses or pants from age 6 to adult size XXL." It will also fold standard size towels and pillowcases.
The target price for FoldiMate is $980, but the brand said the final price and launch date are still being determined.
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