Fall Foliage Festival Events 2018
Another Fall Foliage Festival gets underway this week. Here is a list of events.
Saturday, Sept. 22
10 a.m.-noon: The Children's Races and Family Fair will be held at Houghton Street Park (adjacent to UNO Park and the Porches Inn). Details on Facebook. The northern Berkshire United Way, Youth Center Inc. and City of North Adams present this annual foot race and family fair. This event is open to all ages, with categories for various age groups, and awards for group winners. The fair includes obstacle courses, games, give-a-ways, and live music by Terry A La Berry And Friends! Children’s Fair booths are hosted by local community organizations. Awards are sponsored by Greylock Federal Credit Union.
Thursday, Sept. 27
4-7 p.m.: The annual Fall Foliage Ziti Supper will be held at Saint Elizabeth’s of Hungary at 70 Marshall St. Dinner includes ziti and meatballs, salad, bread and butter, and a beverage. Desserts will also be available. The cost is $10 per person, $7 for kids 12 and under.
Friday, Sept. 28
5:30 p.m.: The annual Children's Parade takes place on Main Street. Children from throughout the Northern Berkshire's are encouraged to make costumes and enter the parade with the theme of "Year of the Dog”. Participants must arrive at the corner of Main and Eagle streets by 5 p.m. The parade begins at 5:30 p.m. and will proceed west on Main Street to City Hall. Ribbons will be given to all participants. Group and float winners will be invited to participate in the Fall Foliage Parade on Sunday, Sept. 30. Please note that groups should be 10 or less children, as there are only 10 medals that will be awarded per category/prize. Awards are sponsored by Greylock Federal Credit Union. Details on Facebook.
Saturday, Sept. 29
9 a.m.-1 p.m.: Dogs welcome at the North Adams Farmers Market at the St. Anthony Municipal Parking Lot to help celebrate the dog days of fall. As always, patrons of the market can find fresh fruits and vegetables, cheese, canned goods, baked goods, eggs, and meat.
9 a.m.-3 p.m.: The annual Fall Bazaar will be held at VFW Post 996 on the Mohawk Trail, featuring Chinese auction, fish bowl, raffles, baked goods, fried dough and hot dogs.
10:30-11:30 a.m.: The eighth annual Dog parade will step off from Veterans Memorial Park on the corner of Eagle Street and Route 2. Registration begins at 10 a.m. The parade is free but donations to local animal rescues accepted. Owners are encouraged to make costumes and enter their dogs into this parade with the theme "Year of the Dog." Categories are: funniest, best duo (owner and dog), best group (dogs), best small dog, best medium-sized dog, and best large dog. Prizes will be awarded following the parade and ribbons will be given to all participants. Dog parade winners will be invited to participate in the Fall Foliage Parade. Awards are sponsored by Greylock Federal Credit Union. Details on Facebook.
Noon-5 p.m.: Fall Foliage Brew N' Chew (w/ Craft Fair) and Miner Combat's Dancing in the Street will be held on Main Street between American Legion Drive & Eagle Street. Details on Facebook. There will be local artisan and crafter booths, a local beer tent featuring Bright Ideas Brewing and Berkshire Breu-Hous, a hot dog eating competition to benefit PopCares (3 p.m., $30 a team) and Miner Combat's Dancing in the Street Fundraiser (12:30 p.m., $20 a person) to benefit PopCares, supporting local families battling cancer.
10 and 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 and 3 p.m.: Hoosac Valley Fall Foliage train rides will depart from and return to the Train Depot in Adams. Tickets are $14/adults, $12/seniors & armed forces w/ID and $10 for children 4-14 and are available online. Fall Foliage Train Rides run on weekends through Oct. 28.
Sunday, Sept. 30
Noon: The Fall Classic 5k Race starts at top of Main Street. Call 413-496-6347 for registration and event Information.
1 p.m.: The 63rd annual Fall Foliage Parade, with the theme "The Year of the Dog," begins at the Ocean State Job Lots parking lot and concludes on Ashland Street after passing through downtown via Main Street.
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