Common Sleep “Myths” are Harmful To Your Health
When it comes to sleep, there are some common myths that can do you harm, according to the NYU School of Medicine.
Their scientists pored through more than 8,000 websites and zeroed in on 20 sleep myths that will not do your body good.
Here are some of the myths they've busted, with the help of study leader Dr. Rebecca Robbins, an epidemiologist at the NYU School of Medicine.
1. Five hours of sleep is plenty: "We have extensive evidence to show sleeping five hours or less consistently, increases your risk greatly for adverse health consequences" -- these included heart attacks and strokes -- and a shorter life expectancy. The recommended amount is 7-8 hours.
2. Snoring is harmless: It could be a sign of sleep apnea, which may lead to heart stoppages or other cardiovascular events.
3. Booze helps you sleep better: In fact, hooch prevents you from getting deep sleep. "It may help you fall asleep, but it dramatically reduces the quality of your rest that night," Dr. Robbins says.
4. Watching TV helps you doze off: Between the blue light from your screen, and the content of the news in this day and age, it's not a great idea: "Often if we're watching the television it's the nightly news… it's something that's going to cause you insomnia or stress right before bed when we're trying to power down and relax," Robbins says.
5. Hitting snooze helps your sleep: Nope. "Your body will go back to sleep, but it will be very light, low-quality sleep."
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