The town of Clarksburg will once again see if town meeting will accept combining school districts with Stamford, Vt., with the same article tabled at the December special town meeting. reports the Select Board signed off on a single-article warrant Wednesday that would see if town meeting would accept an agreement with the town of Stamford that would merge the two districts. Chairman Jeffrey Levanos shared his concerns over the redundant article.

Town Administrator Carl McKinney said both communities are under the gun and have to move on the merger, which is being driven by Vermont's Act 46 that calls for small Vermont school districts to begin consolidating.


McKinney said a placeholder for the merger has been set on the Legislature's agenda and Stamford needs to make a determination by November.

McKinney said he will ask the School Committee members to attend a future meeting and noted the consolidation will only be a plus for both communities because they will be able to share some resources.

The special town meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 5, at 6:30.

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