Cheshire Wants To Keep Elementary School For Town Offices
Cheshire town officials have been discussing possible reuses for the former Cheshire Elementary School since its closure in 2017.
It had even recently issued a request for proposal for reuse for the building that dates back a century in some sections. But on Tuesday night, the Board of Selectmen voted to reject those proposals and work toward keeping the building under town ownership and develop it into a "town hub."
The school has still been home to the Hoosac Valley Regional School District offices; for Youth Center Inc., which relocated there from Adams in 2019; and a private excercise classes in the cafeteria.
Chairwoman Michelle Francesconi hopes to utilize the building as a municipal centerpiece for the community as well as looking at a possible expansion of the footprint for emergency services in the future.
Read the entire story at iBerkshires.Com now.
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