Cheshire /Adams Looking to Keep Tractor-Trailers Off Country Road
The towns of Cheshire and Adams are looking to solve a tractor-trailer truck issue on Fred Mason and West roads.
iBerkshires.com reports Interim Town Administrator Edmund St. John IV told the Selectmen on Tuesday that he has been in contact with Adams officials who want to work toward a solution that would keep large trucks off the shared country road.
St. John said trucks heading north on Route 8 to Speciality Minerals in Adams often turn onto Fred Mason Road, which becomes West Road in Adams, then turn onto Notch Road that ends near the top of the Specialty Minerals pit. The route avoids going through downtown Adams.
He said Cheshire has similar issues with Richmond Hill and Stewart White roads because truck drivers follow their GPS systems up these roads and find them impassible.
St. John said the first solution is to implement signage.
Selectman Robert Ciskowski noted that any signage would have to include a traffic study prior to installation.
Highway Superintendent Blair Crane said signs don't work, in his experience.
He added that if Adams Police are not willing to enforce the tractor-trailer restriction, the installation of a sign would be a waste of time.
St. John and Crane agreed to work on a solution for the next meeting.
In other business, St. John said state Department of Transportation recently inspected bridges on West Mountain Road, East Main Street and Church Street.
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