With Halloween season here, I tend to look back and think about some of the ghost stories I have heard about over the years in Berkshire County. One story I remember is my aunt telling me that she could hear footsteps on the second floor of her then Cheshire home. The footsteps were apparently so prevalent that her dog would stand at the base of the stairs with her fur standing straight up, growling at the sound of the footsteps.

Another story I remember hearing was there was a home on East Road in Adams where items would be flying off of shelves and the homeowners actually would be struck by the objects. Talk about a violent haunting.

Growing up in North Adams, I remember passing a home on Demond Avenue that was really in disrepair. People often told me that the house was haunted.

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Many of us here in the Berkshires have creepy ghost stories, some more than just stories or hearsay. Some are actual experiences that happened to the person telling the story.

Thinking about my stories and the fact that I have never seen a ghost, I went to Facebook and asked members of The Berkshires group if anyone has any real-life ghost stories/experiences that they would like to share. I mentioned that if enough stories came in, I would share them on our website. I received some great feedback with many stories I have never heard. Just a heads up that some of the stories may have typos etc.

Let's take a look at what residents of the Berkshires and beyond shared regarding what they have heard and experienced in terms of things that go bump in the night.

Berkshire County Residents Share Their Ghost Stories and Encounters

While on the topic of ghosts, let's see what celebrities have experienced when it comes to the paranormal.

Celebs Share Their Personal Paranormal Stories

READ ON: Weird, wild UFO sightings from throughout history

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