Berkshire County Baby Aspires to be First CGO for Major Baby Food Company (VIDEO)
In case you haven't heard by now, baby food company Gerber is running a photo contest where the winner will be the their next spokesbaby for a year and the company's first ever CGO (Chief Growing Officer). According to their website, some of the qualifications a candidate must possess include the following:
- Candidates should be between the ages of 0 and 48 months old
- Have an infectious giggle and shining personality,
- Have the ability to melt hearts with cuteness.
According to the company, the Chief Growing Officer will help make big kid decisions on what little ones everywhere need to grow and thrive. Plus, there's a cash prize which can be used toward the little one's college fund.
My wife, Amber, and I felt that our 13 month old, Hannah would be a prime candidate for this role. As part of the application process, we had to write up an essay and have it in by this past Monday, describing how Hannah has thrived over the last year.
Here's our essay below:
Before Hannah was even born, the nurses and ultrasound technicians gave us a heads up that she was going to be a very active little girl. She was so eager to explore the world that she arrived three weeks early. The doctors and nurses called her a rare gem because she was born with beautiful strawberry blonde hair, which we were told is not very common.
She has continued to demonstrate her individuality over the last year. Her pediatrician says she is a very curious baby. When most babies cry and look away trying to make him disappear, Hannah stares directly at him and tries to figure out exactly what he is doing. She is constantly studying her surroundings and taking in the world around her.
Hannah’s favorite objects to examine are her hands. She is so expressive with her gestures, and she watches in amazement at just what her hands can do. Hannah drinks from a sippy cup on her own now, but we never could get her to hold her own bottle because that would have hindered her ability to watch in awe as she waved her fingers and hands in front of her to study.
She also likes to practice the remarkable range of noises and sounds she can make with her mouth and vocal cords. Her grandparents comment that they’ve never met a baby that makes as many sounds as she makes. Whether she is imitating sounds that we make to her or coming up with her own unique sounds, she is her own tiny orchestra.
Hannah is a fearless adventure seeker. She giggles as she crawls as quickly as she can. She loves jumping and bouncing. She keeps her mommy and daddy busy with her love of climbing the furniture and trying to hang upside down at every chance she gets.
Some of Hannah’s other favorite activities include playing with her toys, playing with her family, reading piles of board books, going for walks in her stroller, watching Little Baby Bum, rocking, eating and sleeping. Hannah is a good eater which fuels her ability to play hard and sleep hard. We were so excited to find out about this contest because we have been saying she looks like the Gerber baby since she was born. Win or lose, Hannah will always be our Gerber Baby!
In addition to a photo entry, we were also encouraged to submit a video.
In terms of the heart melting, shining personality and infectious giggle department, Hannah corner's the market, or maybe I'm just being a proud/bragging papa. I have included a video of Hannah below on her unicorn laughing it up which was also a piece of material that was encouraged to send in to the contest. What do you think? Does she have a good shot at becoming the company's first ever CGO?
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