Are These Things Cheap . . . or Frugal?
Even though they're really closely related, there's a world of difference between being cheap . . . and being frugal. Cheap is bad. Frugal is admirable.
And a new survey asked people if a bunch of different things you can do to save money fall on the cheap side of the line, or the frugal side. Here are the results . . .
1. Not leaving a tip . . . CHEAP.
2. Buying generic groceries or electronics . . . FRUGAL.
3. Carefully tracking how much electricity you're using . . . FRUGAL.
4. Reusing tea bags or coffee filters . . . CHEAP.
5. Calculating your portion of a group dinner bill to the cent . . . CHEAP.
6. Diluting your hand soap with water so it'll last longer . . . CHEAP.
7. Using deals or coupons for everything you buy . . . FRUGAL.
8. Always tipping 15%, regardless of how good the service was . . . CHEAP.
9. Re-gifting . . . CHEAP.
10. Only drinking at home, never at a bar or restaurant . . . FRUGAL.
Now you know !
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