All Articles at Special Cheshire Town Meeting Approved reports Cheshire voters approved all three articles on the warrant at a special town meeting Tuesday night. All three votes were overwhelmingly in favor but not without some spirited back and forth between the packed community center and town officials.
Article 1 was asking for $40,000 from the stabilization fund to pay for transportation and tuition costs for a resident to attend an out-of-district vocational school.
The article passed unanimously.
Article 2 asked voters to authorize the town to borrow up to $195,000 for the purchase of a new or used road grader. The town currently rents a grader every year to keep up its dirt roads.
The vote to authorize borrowing up to $195,000 passed 51-5. Since it is being treated as a debt exclusion outside of the normal tax rate, it will have to be voted on by a town ballot to be held in January.
The third article was quickly and unanimously passed. It asked for just over $3,500 to pay some back bills from the past two fiscal years.