Advisories Regarding Face Coverings & Cloth Masks
Throughout the tri-state region, The Governors of Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York are advising ALL residents who venture outdoors with mandates to protect themselves and others from being infected from COVID-19 by wearing face coverings or masks in situations where it becomes difficult to maintain a social distance.
People who STILL show no symptoms of illness may be susceptible to spreading the virus therefore it is advisable to take necessary precautions. You can also substitute with either a bandana or a scarf as long as your nose and mouth are covered up.
A cloth mask should fit snugly, but comfortably against the side of your face and should be secured with ties or ear loops and must include multiple layers of fabric. This should allow for breathing without restriction and you should be able to launder and machine dry without any further damage or change of shape.
When putting on or taking off a mask, DO NOT touch the front. Only handle the ties or ear straps and wash the cloth mask regularly and it is advisable to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after touching the mask.
These small steps could protect you and your neighbors until this pandemic comes to an imminent close.