Adams Selectmen See Different Tax Rate Scenarios
iBerkshires.com reports If the town sticks with a split tax rate at the same shift as this year, residents could be looking at a 49 cent increase over this year’s rate.
Assessor Donna MacDonald went over possible tax rate scenarios for fiscal 2020 at the Selectmen's workshop on Wednesday. The board will vote on the tax classifications next week.
MacDonald said she was not particularly happy about new growth because it is lagging behind the three-year average. New residential growth was $695,000; the three-year average is $1.6 million. Commercial growth was $228,000; the three-year average is $460,000.
Town Administrator Jay Green looked at the growth numbers differently and said things are still trending positive.
MacDonald agreed and said there are people moving into town. She said word seems to be getting out that people can afford a good house in Adams that they can also afford to improve.
This summer has been really positive and homes have been selling above assessment, she said.
The tax classification hearing will be held Wednesday.
Green said the town will hold a public information session on Tuesday, Sept. 17, at the visitors center at 6 p.m. to educate people on all that is 40R.
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