Adams Selectmen Opt For Higher Administrator Salary Range
The Adams Selectmen are sticking with a higher salary cap on the town administrator position in order to have more room for negotiation.
But the decision to keep the $95,000 line item in the budget wasn't unanimous.
iBerkshires.com reports the 3-1 vote on Wednesday was prompted by a request by one member of the Finance Committee to deflate the town administrator's salary line item from $95,000 to $80,000 because the member feared the capped salary would only limit the hiring process.
With the departure of former Town Administrator Tony Mazzucco last year, the Selectmen formed a committee to lead the new search process. Although the salary range was not advertised in the job posting, the Selectmen have gone back and forth on what they could actually offer.
Director of Community Development Donna Cesan, who has stepped into the town administrator post in the interim, said the amount was placed in the budget to provide "flexibility."
Mazzucco's starting salary with the town was nearly $85,000.
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