Adams Selectmen OK Warrant for Annual Town Meeting
The Adams Board of Selectmen Wednesday night voted unanimously to pass on all 28 warrant articles to the Finance Committee for further vetting.
Pending its blessings, the articles will then move to annual town meeting for final approval. The board passed on all 28 articles unamended but some came under brief scrutiny, mostly for clarification purposes.
Superintendents Aaron Dean of the Hoosac Valley Regional School District and James Brosnan of the Northern Berkshire Vocational Regional School District were participating remotely and Selectman John Duval took the opportunity to ask them about the possibility of getting a portion of transportation costs either reduced or returned given the hybrid nature of physical attendance to start the school year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Both replied with a solid maybe.
Read the entire story and many more from iBerkshires.Com now.
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