Adams Police Investigating Cumberland Farms Break-In
Adams Police are investigating a break-in that occurred early Tuesday morning at the Cumberland Farms on Commercial Street.
The Berkshire Eagle reports officers responded to the store around 4 a.m. for a burglar alarm and found that the door to the business had been forced open. There were also fresh footprints leading away from the store, according to a Facebook post by the Adams Police Department.
Officers secured the area and used a police dog to search for the suspect. According to surveillance video from the store and video from a residential security camera, it appears the suspect — who was possibly masked — ran away from the store after the alarm sounded and left in a vehicle.
Adams Police are asking anyone with information or additional video of the break-in to contact them at 413-743-1212. According to the Facebook post, police are particularly interested in obtaining surveillance footage in the area of Commercial, Edmund and Crandall streets.
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