Adams Misses Out On Grant to Repair Culvert reports Adams did not receive a grant that would address lingering damages left by fall flooding in 2018.
Community Development Director Donna Cesan said the town was not awarded a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) FY2019 Action Grant that would have aided in funding the Davis Streeet culvert repair.
In September 2018, Adams was hit with two heavy rainstorms within a week. Flooding affected Lime, Davis, North Summer, and Charles street areas, in particular, damaging private properties and causing more than $2 million in damage to public infrastructure.
Because the storms only affected Adams, the town did not receive federal or state Emergency Management Agency funds.
The town declared a state of emergency allowing it to deficit spend and make some emergency repairs but there is still work to be done.
Although funding remains an issue to address the damage, the town has made strides to improve its emergency preparedness and has updated its emergency plans, protocol, and communication.