Adams Looking To Unload Town-Owned Properties
iBerkshires.com reports the Adams Board of Selectmen voted at Wednesday's meeting to declare the former home of Youth Center Inc. surplus property in hopes of selling the recently vacated building on East Street.
The rapidly deteriorating property at 20 East St. has been empty since the Youth Center Inc. moved its operation to the former Cheshire School that was closed as part of the district's consolidation in 2017.
Administrator Jay Green. said Cesan wants to have the RFP done by January 2020. Community Development Director Donna Cesan will also be issuing an RFP for the long-shuttered Adams Memorial School by the end of November. The town has offered both schools for sale in recent years and received no serious interest.
When asked by board member Joe Nowak where Cesan will be listing them, Green said they are not quite at that stage yet.
Council on Aging Director Erica Girgenti asked the board to ratify two new part-time van drivers. The board had no issues hiring Neil Crosier and Jolene Drosehn to the 19- and 10-hour positions respectively.
That wasn't Girgenti's only business, however. She is concerned a very popular tax service is in danger of being canceled because of a lack of volunteers.
The program assists adults with moderate to low incomes in preparing their basic tax returns and also helps them identify rebates and tax credits. Last year, more than one thousand people participated.
Girgenti emphasized strongly that prior experience preparing taxes is not a prerequisite for volunteers.
Those interested can call 413-743-8333.
That is also the number to call to take part in the Veterans Day celebration. There will be music and lunch followed by a color guard ceremony performed by Adams American Legion Post 160.
Brian Grande of First Congregational Church on Park Street told the board that the church will be serving a free Thanksgiving dinner.
Dinner will be served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Those with any sort of social anxiety will be served after 2.
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