Adams Firefighters Quickly Douse Dryer Fire
The Berkshire Eagle reports the Adams Fire Department quickly extinguished a dryer fire before it extended into a Summit Avenue home Thursday afternoon.
Firefighters responded a little after 1 p.m. to a single-family home at 13 Summit Ave. for a fire that was called in as a dryer fire and possible structure fire.
Fire Chief John Pansecchi said department was out on another call when the Summit Avenue report came in. He said the assistant chief was first on the scene.
Pansecchi said Cheshire and Clarksburg were alerted along with North Adams Fire Department. He said because they were able to control the fire so quickly they called off Clarksburg, which had been requested to cover the fire station. North Adams was on scene with its Engine 2 and Cheshire ended up covering the fire station along with
Adams Ambulance .
Pansecchi said the washer and dryer were total losses.
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