Adams Conservation Commission Meets
Adams Commissioner Thomas Robinson reiterated his disappointment last week that the Bassett Brook Reservoir was decommissioned instead of being restored.
iBerkshires.com reports the Conservation Commission wants to reopen the Bassett Brook Reservoir that was recently closed by the state Department of Environmental Protection.
The Board of Health in June was notified by DEP that the reservoir, which is actually located in Cheshire, can no longer be considered the town's secondary water supply because of a lack of functionality. In an emergency, the water would have to be filtered.
Robinson said he wished the Board of Health reached out to the Conservation Commission to discuss the decommissioning saying they took a position without a discussion with those involved in wetlands, rivers, and conservation.
In other business, the commission gave a negative determination, meaning it did not fall under the wetlands act, on a proposed solar array project at 101 Grove St., the location of Duke's Sand and Gravel.
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