Adams Conservation Commission Endorses Lime Street Solar Array
Jon Spicer of Stantec engineering firm spoke on behalf of OYA Solar MA LP, a Toronto-based solar developer that wants to install a ground-mounted solar array at 0 Lime St. on land owned by David Krutiak.
The 9.7-acre parcel is located on the so-called Lime Street connector that parallels the rail line and connects to Route 8.
Spicer said under the federal Wetlands Protection Act, the project is considered a redevelopment because the 3.3 acres to be developed is already degraded.
Spicer said anything beyond that section will not be touched because the land is bordered by the Hoosic River, a perennial stream, a floodplain, a vegetative wetland, and a Natural Heritage mapped-out area containing rare species.
He said one small concrete pad will be poured for the solar generation equipment. The panels themselves will be placed on decking that will be fastened to the ground.
The panels will be less than 15 feet high and there will be a security fence around the facility.
William Lattrell, an ecologist and wetlands scientist who often helps the commission, was also present at the meeting and said he really had no concerns about the project.
However, he did note that there was an illegally installed culvert from the 1990s that would need to be removed.
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