Adams Board of Health Meets
The Adams Board of Health wants to make sure the Memorial Building in town meets all standards before allowing it to be the town's emergency shelter.
iBerkshires.com reports Chairman David Rhoads told the board Wednesday that he recently toured the former middle school building and it seems to be stocked and mostly ready to serve as the town's emergency shelter. However, this news raised more questions from the rest of the board.
The vacant school is written into the town's new Emergency Management Plan as a shelter. Although it does not have a fully functioning heating and air conditioning system, the town did secure funds to install one.
Kevin Towle, executive assistant to the town administrator, did not have a firm answer but knew the building was assessed before the town applied for grant funds for the new HVAC system.
He added that the public is only allowed in the functioning areas of the building and the only real issue that would inhibit an emergency shelter is the air-circulation system.
On that note,Board member Bruce Shepley wanted more certainty and to be sure about possible state or federal standards the shelter may have to meet.
The board will hold a vaping workshop during its next meeting and members urged interested parties to attend.
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