Adams Bellevue Cemetery Expansion Considered reports the Adams Cemetery Commission will consider a five-year capital improvement plan and feasibility study to inform the possible expansion of Bellevue Cemetery.
Cemetery Commissioner Bruce Shepley asked the commission last week to consider future projects to include in a five-year capital improvement plan for the town’s cemeteries.
"I am asking you to put thinking caps on and in the next month come with what you would like to see done at the cemeteries," he said. "Bottom line is what are your thoughts about capital improvements."
Shepley said the commission did produce an improvement plan some years ago, however, he has yet to find it. He added that the Cemetery Department still has funds it can expend to improve the cemeteries but the commissioners would need to figure out how low they can draw this fund.
He listed some potential projects such as paving the back roads at Bellevue and the completion of the Maple Street Cemetery fence. He said this project was never completed because the town ran out of funds.
In tandem with this project, Shepley thought it would be prudent to conduct a feasibility study to see if there is a need to expand Bellevue.
Shepley said the commission would have to determine if there is really a need for expansion and look at the number of people being buried and cremated and extrapolate this number.
In other business, the commission a tabled a request to place a bench near a memorial stone until it has more information.