1st Mass VaxMillions $1-Million Dollar Drawing is Today
Today is the first of five Massachusetts VaxMillions $1-million dollar drawings. In coordination with the Mass Lottery the major prize incentive was launched to encourage Mass residents 12+ to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
The deadline to get fully vaccinated and sign up for today’s 1st drawing was last Thursday, July 22nd. The winner of today’s $1-million dollar drawing and the winner of the 1st $300,000 scholarship grant will be announced on Thursday July 29th.
Any Massachusetts resident that is 18 and older and fully vaccinated can enter the drawings through the Mass Lottery to win $1 million bucks. There will be five drawings over five weeks for the 1-million VaxMillions prize. Once registered any qualified resident will be entered into all five drawings. In an effort to get the younger demo vaccinated, and Mass resident between the ages of 12 to 17 can enter one of five drawings to win a $300,000 scholarship grant.
The deadline to get fully vaxed and signed up for drawings number 2- 5 is this Thursday July 29th with the winners drawn on Monday, August 2th and announced on Thursday, August 5th. There will be a drawing each Monday thereafter through August 23rd.
Deadline for Drawing 3 on August 9 is Thursday August 5…Winner announced 8/12. Deadline for Drawing 4 on August 16 is Thursday August 12…Winner announced 8/19. Deadline for Drawing 5 on August 23 is Thursday August 19…Winner announced 8/26.
If you are fully vaccinated, a Massachusetts resident, at least 12-years of age, and want a free million dollars or a $300,000 scholarship, then click on the link to VaxMillions and sign up to win. Good luck!
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